Anchorage Alaska was an amazing time in regard to resilience training; in July 2019 I did some extensive work for the US Air Force there. The folks here can experience some of the most extreme conditions, from month’s long darkness, harsh cold, and extended periods where the sun does not go down. Our focus for them was self-care for all seasons. I can recall getting frustrated at one point in my life and then realizing that I had not seen the sun in about 3 days.
It was important to remind them that self-care is not selfish but wisdom on display. We must first take care of ourselves before we can truly be effective for others. This such as your faith, family, proper diet and exercise are just a few. People in Alaska will often go to sensory rooms to receive light, soothing music, and other elements that assist in maintaining proper life balance.
These resilience techniques can help reduce negative coping techniques such as alcohol or drug abuse. Feeding your spirit and mind are vital in cultivating and maintaining a top-notch resilience way of life. By the way, it gets cold up there and if you go make sure you watch out for the bears, they aren’t like Yogi, they eat more than picnic baskets.